Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Hope @ Worship - Easter 2008

Building on the Good Friday preparation, we wanted to come into worship rejoicing over the miracle of Christ's resurrection. So we prepared a set of music to raise the roof.

All the Earth Will Sing Your Praises
O Worship the King - (Tomlin version)
I Can Only Imagine (special music sung by Emily Shermer)

Jesus Paid It All

and as we left we sang what might just be my favorite song.

How Can I Keep From Singing

I tried to help the congregation understand first that Easter was a fact, and secondly that Easter matters beyond the hoopla of the one day a year we celebrate. So I talked about the difference between things we can have a preference for and things that are a fact. Had fun getting the congregation to express their preferences for FSU vs UF or UA, vanilla vs chocolate vs Strawberry, Reese's Cups vs Snickers. Then I pushed to help them understand the difference. I then tried to deal with 5 big questions and Easter's answer to them.

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