Thursday, June 11, 2009

Is It Worth It?

Two weeks ago, I spent almost every minute over four days sitting or lying on the floor next to my big friend Henley the Great Dane. He had come home from the vet when I was presented with a "take him home or put him down" choice. Henley is a member of our family. As much trouble as any of us may be, we don't put family members "down" because it is inconvenient to care for them.

Started out filled with love and compassion and a "whatever it takes" attitude. Over the next four days it got hard. Sleeping on the floor for four nights in a row wasn't any fun at all. Trying to get a dog who was so sick he wasn't interested in eating anything to take his medicine meant getting up close and personal with some large teeth. Helping him to his feet with the help of others and the use of a towel under his belly was nerve wracking.

These are, as was so famously written, the times that try men's souls. It's easy to love someone or something when everything is going swimmingly. But what if things get bad? Emotion only takes you so far. Commitment has to take over. You have to have already made the decision that it's worth it. Tonight as I type this, my big friend is doing much better. He can walk on his own (with a slight limp), and he's back to doing almost everything he did before. Right now, he and I occupy our customary and well loved places next to each other on the red leather love seat we love.

Was it worth it? Absolutely.

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