Friday, April 10, 2009

"Father forgive them, they know not what they do."

"Sorry doesn't cut it!" were the words I heard as I crossed a parking lot. The following sounds were a slammed car door and a screech as a woman exited a local parking lot, leaving a man there watching the car get smaller as it sped away.

Asking for forgiveness has never been most people's strong suit. Truth be told, many times when we say "sorry", what we are really sorry for is that we have to say it. Then giving forgiveness - well, let's just say that it usually comes with strings and stipulations. "I'll forgive you if..." - for some, you have to pass the "I am really, really sorry" test.

Today's words from Jesus weren't prompted by those who needed forgiveness - but by the heart of the one Who they wronged. Amazing love, your name is Jesus.

"Father, forgive."

That Roman soldier, who nailed the hands that had given sight to the blind, didn't know what he was doing. Jesus prayed for him, "Father, forgive."

His companions helped as they lifted the cross with Jesus on it, and slid it into the hole with a thud. Every nerve in Jesus' hands and feet screamed in agony as the weight of His body hung from them. And Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive."

Around the cross were His enemies. Shouting cruel taunts they urged Him to call for help. "He saved others, Himself He cannot save?" Looking into their eyes, Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive."

And then there were the religious leaders. They had studied God's Word all their lives. Full of a desire to do good, to be better, they had memorized whole books, and become expert in the Laws God had given for life. With such exhaustive preparation, they believed they alone were ready for Messiah - should He come.

And yet Messiah had come. Fulfilling every single prophecy, even as He hung on the cross, Jesus was the sum of God's love for people. All the Truth, all the Way, and all the Life was right in front of them.

But they failed the test.

"Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as 'Lord,' but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my Father in heaven. Matt. 7:21

Love is action, beloved. Too many people have walked in and out of church, maybe even walked the aisle pledging their heart to God and their life to Christ, then never gave either. They will fail the test. Maybe they stayed in church and soaked up knowledge. They learned the ins and outs of religion. Had the Bible down - cold. Yet they never changed in their behavior, never grew in God's grace, never exhibited any difference. The Bible wasn't the only thing they had cold. They will fail the test.

Jesus prayed for them too that day. But the time is coming when the real test will be given. All our work will be meaningless. Only our love for Christ will last.

3 Then He said, "I assure you, unless you turn from your sins and become as little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt 18:3 (NLT)

Life for a child is not a test - it's a joy! When they live in the love of their father and mother, they are secure, they are happy, and they live in faith and in hope. When we are right with God, we too can experience that joy. And nothing other than repentance and obedience will work.

Don't let this holy weekend - this day pass without knowing that your life will pass the test.

Grace! Freely available - but not cheap.

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