Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Crazy Love by Francis Chan

Finished the book over a 24 hour period and started reading it again immediately for greater comprehension. That doesn't mean that it is "thick", like say "Mere Christianity", where the reader would benefit greatly from a slow read spaced by reflection.

It means I want every last drop of insight.

There are some books that start out slow and you have to be patient until the author hits his stride. The Shack was like that.

Crazy Love begins with a serious look at the theology that provides foundation for Chan's life. As such, if you aren't careful, you might write the book off as another dry doctrinal treatise.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Read this book.

It will open you to how God works in the lives of people who are obsessed with pleasing Him.

It will dangle the prospect that you too might be His instrument for Kingdom change.

If you are already at work along that trail, it will remind you why and give you a cool drink of encouragement.

And for some, and I'd count myself in this group, it will serve as confirmation that those goals, passions, and deepest desires that God has laid on your heart are not hallucinations. Others like Francis Chan are on the same journey, following the same tracks our Master has left for us.

It's a good crazy - this Crazy Love.

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