Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You Are More

It's been an interesting day.

-Beans and rice day 2 and I'm just overwhelmed with how blessed we are here and how little we get that.
-Wound up praying in Food World for a man who suffered a seizure.
- Finished "The Jesus Manifesto"- one of the best books I have read this year.
- Fended off a telesales person who really, really, really wanted us to try - just try - a $187 Max Lucado small group study on his upcoming book. "It's really moving," she said.
- No, what's moving is sitting here thinking about the people who are in some way attached to New Hope and what they struggle with everyday.
- Or about the families of the kids who come here on Wednesday. How those families could be radically changed if they'd only hear and respond to the gospel.

-Was praying for them, and then checked my email and saw a link to this band. Normally wouldn't check them out but "10th Ave North" is the exit to two things I love - The Varsity, and Georgia Tech.

-Awesome song and you can download it free here by letting others know.

Tenth Avenue North - You Are More from Provident Label Group on Vimeo.

Friends, it's Jesus who believes in you, even when you don't believe in yourself. he didn't die for perfect, straightened out, flawless specimens of humanity.

"While we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us..."

You are MORE.

Come see us at the church of second chances - New Hope

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