Wednesday Night...
It's where the slippery areas show up, and where the reality of how many servants you have hits the road of how many needs you have.
It's a tug-o-war almost every week.
Last night it began in worship team practice for me and cruised right on through. We don't have a worship leader and operate with a team. But on the first Wed after school started, I knew going in it might be rough and it was. There are some songs in our set list that you can ease into, and some that you can't. I wanted to start Sunday's worship with a big sound - "All Hail the Power" - which is one of the hymns that even though the language is archaic in spots, has real power in the words and the music.
The team just wasn't up to it. Don't know why, maybe everyone was tired.
But it was weak.
The next two songs were hardly better.
Maybe there are times when we need to spend the whole time in prayer instead of practice. If we cannot sing the songs with joyful abandon in worship then how can we expect a congregation to? I'm going to be praying about how to prepare the worship team for worship practice not just from a skills standpoint but from a heart standpoint. Good enough is not good enough.
To do nothing means we've slid a little ways toward irrelevance without correction. Just like a tug-o-war, you lose when that happens too many times. So we'll pray and work preparing for next week.
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