Monday, August 14, 2006

Houston, we have a problem

So we do our New Hope Outside the Walls today. Guys go down and stake out a pavilion in the park right next to the bay. Really nice spot, best there.

They put the sign up "New Hope Outside The Walls". So far, so good. At 7:30 AM, another guy shows up. He explains that his family has been planning an outing for a while, and really wanted that spot, would we mind swapping pavilions? No, says our guy.

Now there are no bad places there, we just have the best spot.

9 AM, guy rolls up, walks over, offers a sizeable donation to the church if we'll swap. Says the outing is for his son who is leaving tomorrow for the Navy.

We say no, again.

And people wonder why pastors of traditional or transitioning churches die early.

We should have moved. Refused any money. Offered to help them set up.


Tonight, we learned that the guy who turned down the request really didn't understand what he was doing and how it impacted our purpose for being there. He wanted the best place for his church and friends.

Well, before we start loving our neighbors as ourselves, we might have to work on just being nice to them.

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