Monday, April 02, 2012

On the good days

Was just sitting here while  the TV plays in the background and thinking about music for Easter Sunday, our Good Friday service, my teaching portfolio and the papers on the couch next to me that need to be graded - almost simultaneously - and not making progress on any of them. Had a tough day at school on the heels of a roller coaster ride yesterday with church and if you pressed me, I'd describe the way I feel right now as "weary."

On the good days, preaching and teaching are two of the most rewarding things I can ever imagine doing.

You get a front row seat. How cool is that?

Things happen in the lives of people that literally change them and the trajectory of their lives forever. You are right there when it happens. When they "get it" and when they "get Him."

On the good days.

On the other days people refuse to listen, choose not to care, put themselves above everything and everyone despite everything you try. Sometimes they'll even drag others with them away from where they know they need to go. It happens. No matter what you do.

The veteran pastor is now telling the first year teacher to give it away to God and go back to school tomorrow believing that someone's life will change. He ought to know after years of seeing people rise and fall, grow close to Jesus and fade away. You do all you can, every time you can, and you trust God.. You believe, even though you cannot see. You have faith.

Good days or bad days, you have faith, because He is good.

"In this life you will have trouble. But take heart, for I have overcome the world."

Thank you Jesus.

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