Thursday, August 04, 2011

Monks Don't Reproduce

So I'm doing my usual yeoman's work of lurking within a Facebook conversation. Couple of folks are talking about what Jesus calls us to do. One person decides to set the bar high for everyone and keeps referencing Jesus' instructions to the "rich young ruler" - "sell all you have and then come, follow me." Now most of us would admit that very few people ever take that instruction to be directed at anyone BUT the young man Jesus was addressing. That was his "god" and Jesus was trying to see if he'd renounce it to follow Him. He didn't.

One person points that out, but the guy still comes back with "sell all you have, then follow."

I finally am moved to comment.

"Don't sell all you have to follow Jesus - that's TOO EASY.

Keep what you have - your job, your spouse, your relationships, your car, your house - keep it all.

THEN follow Jesus in everything. Everyday.

Monks don't reproduce."

I know, I'm a thread-killer. :) But...

It wasn't the Monks in their cells that spread Christianity across the world. It was farmers, and soldiers, and tradesmen. It wasn't the sermons in the great cathedrals, it was the conversations among average people going about their everyday lives. The Monks didn't reproduce their faith.

You may have times of great piety and great devotion. But if they are not who you are every day, that's not following Jesus - that's something else. How do you treat people? How do you use your time? How do you handle your money? Are you faithful to your commitments? Do you love the place and people God has placed you with on the journey? Do you show that, or is it a "secret admirer" sort of love?

Everyday in numerous ways, the place you live and the people you live with test your faith and walk with Christ. In this culture, living a Radical life is more about living a Christ-centered life in the everyday than it ever would be in a monastery.

One more time - Monks don't reproduce. Go live it right here - right now!

“These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on." Matt 7:22

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