Saturday, March 07, 2009

In Sacred Spaces

For someone who enjoys the church of today, I have to confess a real yearning for the sacred spaces that were constructed - purpose built if you will - to be sanctuaries where men and women meet with God.

I have friends who pastor churches that meet in movie theaters and love it.

Place though, reaches out to me. Sacred space.

A few years ago I officiated at a wedding in the chapel of FUMC Albany GA. It was glorious. Carved wood panels with stations of the cross. Stained glass streaming rays of sunlight. Light fixtures adorned with crosses. Walnut pews with kneelers. Two pulpits, an altar, and vestments.

As I watched the rehearsal start, I wandered upstairs and sat at the organ. Dedicated in 1919 "To the glory of God", there were notes on it dated 1944 instructing the organist to remember to play for God's pleasure alone.

In this day of multipurpose facilities, or places repurposed (like theaters), such spaces speak to me about what the people who built it believed about the role of spaces and worship - spaces and life.

We're up in Macon for a couple of days. Bunny's Mom is under hospice care, and everyone is taking part in her care. We do everything we can do, as often as we can do it. Being 5 hours away makes it a challenge, but it is one we can meet.

And being here is like being back in one of those sacred spaces.

I know that God is at work here.

Prayers are being received in heaven from people all over the world who know what's happening in this home. God's grace is being applied to those inside.

Sacred space. Yes it is.

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