Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Cloak of Invisibility - Church Style

Ever feel like no one knows your church exists? Here a list of things that one person sees as ways for churches to stay invisible. HT Church Redone

Here are 10 real ways I’ve experienced that churches keep from being discovered:

1. Don’t have a website
2. Be completely inactive in the community.
3. Don’t answer your phone
4. Allow misinformation
5. Lack clear signage
6. Have insufficient parking/seating
7. Ignore Visitors
8. Respond half-heartedly to inquiries
9. Be evasive about your beliefs
10. Lie to me : When all else fails, simply lie to me about your church.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:13 AM


    Thanks so much for picking up my post. I hope your readers enjoy it. If you would, please just post a brief excerpt or maybe the 10 things without explanation. I'd hate for the search engines to negatively rate either of us for duplicate content.
