Monday, May 26, 2008

Premarital Counseling

I couldn't resist. :) No, this is not how I do premarital counseling. It would be fun, though.

I'm getting ready to head out to a premarital counseling session in a few minutes. There's so many reasons to try everything you can do to help strengthen marriages. Our county leads the state in the number of divorces. Part of that is the military families I'm sure, but we've already been touched by divorce in our congregation. That experience led me to look around for a better way to do premarital counseling, and to refuse to participate in any wedding where the couple would not agree to go through it - fully.

The materials I use are called Zoe Marriage Preparation and they are really very good. Based on biblical principles and bolstered by sound research, they really seem to give the couple an "outside looking in" perspective of what they believe and how it will relate to their marriage. Zoe was recommended by my Lutheran friend Troy Neujahr and I'm very glad he did.

Take a look at the samples and see if Zoe might work for you too.

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