Saturday, July 12, 2008

iWonder - the night before

Everyone I know probably knows someone in their family or circle of friends that doesn't believe in God. Some never have. But the vast majority of the ones I know personally did, but something happened.

It might have been one of the unexplainables that happen in this life that pushed them over. People who take on a faith, especially as children - who see things in black and white - well, I wonder if we are doing a very good job helping them leave room in their lives for the things you cannot know.

From what I can tell, some people can live comfortably with loose ends and gaping holes in their worldview and belief system. Others though, need permanence - need certainty. It just isn't there for them, though. And others' efforts to tie life all up in a neat package for them isn't enough.

Granted, there are people who can run a long way down certainty road and take you with them. Ravi Zacharias comes immediately to mind. Tim Keller as well. These are men I admire for the passion for God expressed through their intellectual pursuits. They are driven to help people know God with all their mind.

But what if...

Did you pause there?

Just asking the question and ending in an ellipsis - did that start you thinking?

iWonder is what I see as a "But what if..." opportunity for New Hope tomorrow. I want to lay out - not a air tight case for God, but a framework that might let people begin their own (or continue) their pursuit of Truth - of God. A chance to step back and get some perspective on what God is.

He is transcendent.

He is personal.

And beginning again to wonder about how He has worked, about how He is working - to show Himself to us might, just might help someone become "unstuck". I'm praying that God will use the images and words I have chosen to help people who aren't "nailed down" yet to keep following Jesus. I found a quote this week that really spoke to what I'm after tomorrow.

Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
Rainer Maria Rilke

I'll pray, and God will be at work.

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