Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Currently Reading - The Big Idea

"Nothing is more dangerous than a single compelling idea that is lived out and nothing is more harmless than lots of little ideas never applied. By creatively communicating one Big Idea every week your church will transform people into genuine Christ followers who live out the mission of Jesus. Less is more!"

About halfway through this slim book (less is more :) ) and it does seem to fit with a lot of what I've observed over the years.

We give WAY TOO MANY packets of information for people to absorb each week. If people had a gun to their head and were asked "what did you learn at church last week that you can apply to your life?", I'm afraid most would say "Just shoot me."

In most churches I have known, there are multiple Sunday school or small group curriculums being used, that have no relationship to what the pastor's message is.

Not much of a logical stretch to see how focusing everyone on one "Big Idea" could help.

More later.


  1. I haven't read the book, but when i was in grad school I attended Dave Ferguson's church, and I wrote the Big Idea small group discussion guides for the church each week.

    I think it really works, especially when it is well executed. If you have questions about how to implement it, don't hesitate to contact Dave. My experience is that he is very accessible and willing to help anyone who is interested in "helping people find their way back to God," as they say at CCC.

    Check out his blog at

  2. Thanks Keith, I will definitely do that.
