Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Reminder

The video.
The facts.
It is like herding cats.
You'd better love God.
You'd better love the people.
You'd better know you are going to get hurt.
You'd better decide right now that it's worth it.

It is. But it still leaves scars sometimes. And not just on the cowboys.


  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I came home ready to blog away about "love your enemies" in order to let off some steam and deal with yet another episode. But, again, I didn't...because in the end, it's not about our scars - it's about His.

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I somehow ran across your blog & love this video clip! I've only been a pastor for a short time, but this blog is so right on! I hope you don't mind if I link this on my blog.

    Debbie Fulthorp

    Grand Canyon Assembly of God
    Grand Canyon, AZ
