Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"In every genuine revival in history, two major thrusts have always appeared. First, there has been proclamation of the Bible, God's Word; second, there has always been the responsive mobilization of the believers, God's people.

Strange as it may sound, a revival does not relate directly to the unsaved. You cannot revive the lost. You can revive the saved. Revival occurs as God ignites the fire of His Word and mobilizes His people to go and win the lost."
- Charles Swindoll, Hand Me Another Brick, pg125

This is why, after all the calamities proclaimed in the articles I linked to yesterday, I am not afraid for the future of the Church.

The future of the Church is not dependent or locked in a cause and effect relationship with the culture.

The future of the Church is completely dependent on the power of God. And He is able. Exceedingly abundantly able. To do. To do more. To do more than we could ask.To do more than we could ask or imagine.

However many of God's people are counted as "evangelicals" by Barna, Gallup, or Zogsby, is irrelevant. What is relevant is whether the people who follow Jesus are continually feeding on the Bread of His Word, and constantly seeking to tell those around them about the Great Story of how their lives fit into God's great plan to bring the world into a loving relationship with Him.

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