Friday, March 06, 2009

Good words on Sunday's text from Ray Steadman

The Way of the Cross
This is what Christianity is all about. The Christian life is following Jesus, doing what he says -- like, "Love your enemy," {Matt 5:44}. "Pray for those who hurt you," {cf, Matt 5:44}. "Forgive those who offend you," {cf, Matt 6:14-15}. Those are not merely wise and helpful words; they represent a way of life our Lord is setting out before us, to which we are expected to conform in the moment when we least feel like it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "In the moment when we least feel like it..."

    What a powerful command.

    "Love your enemy ... in the moment you feel least like it."

    "Pray for those who hurt you ... in the moment you feel least like it."

    "Forgive those who offend you ... in the moment you feel least like it."

    How many arguments, broken relationships, and wars could have been staved off if we could commit to those instructions.

    A reminder is always appreciated. Thanks!
