Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Let's Roll

There's been a lot of buzz this week so far about Flight 93, the movie that describes that fateful day when America was attacked and in the case of that plane, the passengers fought back and prevented even more death and destruction.

From what I've seen of the clips, and from what I've read about that group of people, they were very normal, average Americans. Yet on that day, that horrible day, they were asked to be more than they ever had been, and to give what Lincoln called on another field not too far from the impact site "their last full measure of devotion."

I've just read another pastor's blog tonight. He's in that swirling cloud of discouragement that arises when people decide not to grow. He's confident in the call he received from God, sure of the vision given for that Body of believers, skilled and able.

But he's being worn down.

Stuart Briscoe wrote, "These are the minimum qualifications of a pastor: the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros."

He's on target with that, but protecting that child's heart from harm takes help. The pastor is assumed to be above injury, but by the very nature of the job, you place yourself over and over again in harm's way - if you care.

And he cares.

So lift a prayer tonight for all those men and women who care for the flock by laying down their lives every day.

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