
Sunday, July 01, 2012

The Story - Week 1

Week one of The Story has come and as I sit here tonight I'm grateful to God for what I saw today. People were engaged in the story of the great love of God for His penultimate creation - us. We heard some amazing things today. Some resetting of our understanding of who we are to God took place. 

Think about it.

What if the wonders of Creation we marvel over - Mt. Everest, the Serengeti, the Grand Canyon and the amazing crystal clear waters around us...

What if all of that is just a backdrop for us - God's canvas to paint His masterpiece on?

How does that make you feel, knowing that God loves you that much? YOU.

You with your failures. You with your hangups. You with your anxieties and doubts.


And that God is RELENTLESS in His pursuit of a relationship.

He never gives up on us. NEVER.

So being reminded of that... seeing those truths sinking into the hearts of the people I so dearly love today...

To use a Biblical phrase... It was very good.

Come check out The Story with us. 31 weeks deep into God's great plan. We'll hook you up with a copy of the book and walk with you through the entire Bible. You will come out of this encouraged, strengthened in your faith, and energized to to more for God and for people.

Today's Music was great too.

We began with "I'll Fly Away" - I know, right? New Hope does Gospel. Well friends, you need to come hear how our praise team lays it out there. They could play anywhere but they play at New Hope for the glory of God. 

Then we did "Mighty To Save", "New Doxology" and a new song for us written by Laura Story named "Blessings". Our hymn of commitment was "Just As I Am."

Today was a great start to what I believe will be a life-changing experience for everyone who goes through it together.

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