
Monday, April 21, 2008

Relay For Life Niceville-Valparaiso

New Hope participated in the local race/walk earlier in Valparaiso, and we'll be represented as part of the Valparaiso Elementary's team this coming weekend as we join together to help fight cancer. Our recent fundraiser for the cause netted over $150 and I'm confident that together we can do more than any of us can separately.

Cancer is a personal enemy of mine, as I've buried both parents as a result. Our neighbors in Niceville and in Valparaiso are joining together for a cause that is bigger than all of us. I can identify with that, as I spend my life engaged in God's big story.

Pray! Give! Walk!

It begins this Friday night at 6:30 PM and runs through Saturday morning at Eagle's Stadium in Niceville.

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