
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

On Heaven - Music that fits the theme

Nearly nine out of 10 people in the United States say they believe in heaven, according to a recent ABC News poll. But what exactly do people think of when they think of an afterlife and what do they believe is required to get there? - Barbara Walters, ABC News report "Heaven, Where Is It? How Do You Get There?"

That's a good question, Barbara.

One of the interesting things I am finding as I prepare for Sunday's message on "What Happens When We Die" is that while I remember when I first became a Christian it seemed like we sang about heaven all the time (Shall We Gather At the River, In the Sweet By and By", When We All Get To Heaven, etc.) I am not finding much help with contemporary songs with that theme. I suppose "I Can Only Imagine" would fit.

Any ideas out there?

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