
Thursday, November 08, 2007

That Old Time Religion

You could call it the long war.

Every now and then, just when I think we might be about to break a long run of growth, it flares up again. The words are always from the same playbook. "Not enough hymns. We don't use the hymnal anymore. The communion table, I miss it. You don't want any old people here. You know we are the ones that support this church."

Friends, it gets old.

You can answer with facts. In our case we do about 25% hymns. ("But they aren't the right ones and you don't do them the right way.")

You can answer with vision. In our case it's to be multi-generational and grow our youth into leaders. (See 'you don't want any old people' above).

You can answer that you are trying to follow what God has called you to do. (They'll remind you that you need your salary. I then remind them my salary comes from God.)

It really doesn't matter what you answer.

Friends, if you are reading this and you aren't a pastor, I want you to know how hard it is for a person who's really trying to help people grow and reach other people, who's sacrificed numerous times to be here and stay here, to want to continue to hear it.

It makes me want to quit.

So stop it.

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