
Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday Musings

-I want my Google Phone. Why in the world Palm doesn't go over to Mouuntain View and plant a big wet kiss on the front door of Google I have no idea. My Treo 650 is great but come on, it's an F-16 and the iPhone is an F-22.
- Tried something new today, a followup on yesterday's "MythBusters" - an email that gave some additional support, and hopefully extended the application of the message. Never done that before. Toyed with the idea of having a Wednesday night small group where we continued to drill deeper into what I touched on Sunday, but never have. Anybody else do anything like that?
- Hermeneutics is proving to be an interesting class at Rockbridge. Not so much for the material, I've BTDT before, but because of the interaction with the other students. The professor is really engaged with us as we work through it in a way I've NEVER seen before at NOBTS or Rockbridge. Dr. John Neesley, you rock.
- I guess I'll tackle the reassembly of my Thinkpad tonight. New used motherboard to put in and then putting everything back where it show go after a couple of weeks... well, should be interesting. Maybe I won't wind up with parts left over.
- Never realized how sensitive an issue for some people in our church Calvinism is. Guess it's good I don't have a TULIP affinity. Not sure whether to tackle that and give them some reasonable and biblical understanding of what real reformed faith is or leave them with the caricature.

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