
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Amen and Amen

Today, we are assuming too much. We assume the gospel. We assume our churches are healthy. We assume we are preaching biblical, Christ-centered sermons. When we have recovered the inerrancy of Scripture, there are major pulpits today which are preaching Christless sermons. We must come back to understanding that all of Scripture is about Jesus Christ. We must get back to doctrinal preaching and gospel-driven churches. We need evangelism that does not leave out the evangel.

The kind of Southern Baptists we need today are those who understand that we do not need the SBC. There are some wonderful things about it, but the kingdom of God is not hinged on the SBC. With that attitude, the denominational leaders and power brokers do not have one thing we want, and we do not have one thing that they can take. We must continue to work for reformation within and without the SBC. Go and read Revelation 2-3. Recommit yourselves to the local church. We do not need to count ourselves as better evaluators of churches than Jesus Christ. We must labor for the recovery of the gospel and the reformation of the local church.
Dr Tom Ascol via Timmy Brister

1 comment:

  1. Hello :)

    I'm a Muslim girl living in Canada. I recently went to church with a Christian friend of mine. While sitting through the sermon, and the singing, I browsed through the Bible and I was shocked to see how incredibly alike Islam and Christianity really are. Well, the Old Testament anyway. I'm not really sure where the New Testament came from, and much of what I read didn't make sense to me.. but the Old Testament was almost word by word from the teachings of the Koran (which, by the way, declares the Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ. In Islam, however, we do not see Christ as a "son" or "offspring" of God since God does not beget nor is begotten. In Islam, Jesus Christ is loved and respected as a Man of God and a Prophet and Messenger of God.)

    I think increasing awareness of the relationships between Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and encouraging interfaith dialogues is the key towards better communities and ultimately, towards world peace. Maybe as a pastor, you could incorporate this into your sermons? Maybe research Islam to be able to see for yourself and then inform your church-goers of the misconceptions of Islam and that Muslims really aren't blood thirsty terrorits.

    Anyway, I just very randomly came across your blog, and wanted to share this. Wish you the best, and God bless :)
