
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Rick Warren Gets It, He Really, Really Gets It

One of the most polarizing names a pastor can bring up among other pastors and increasingly among church members is Rick Warren. The mega-church pastor, and author of the Purpose Driven Church, Purpose Driven Life and others is blamed for a lot as church go through change.

Well, it appears Rick is going to keep bothering people. And I'm glad he is.

At the "Q" conference in ATL, Warren said:

If I knew something more important than raising up believers, training them in discipleship and sending them out to engage culture, then I’d be doing it. But I don’t. (AMEN and AMEN - DW)


If God can create a fish to live its entire life in brine, yet not get salty, can God not protect us as we live in culture and engage it with the gospel? The answer is not isolation, nor imitation, but incarnation. What is it? It is insulation (from what is wrong) and it is infiltration (with what is right).

Too many churches today would rather be cute than effective. “I am addicted to changed lives.” (me too bro, me too - DW)

Marty Duren blogged the whole talk, go read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    yeah, and check out his blog at
