Friday, October 20, 2006


The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense.

Prov 27:9 (NLT)

A pastor wears many hats. We are told to pay attention to the work of the Word and to prayer. We are to manage the church well. We are to equip the saints for the work of ministry. We're to exhort, rebuke, and encourage.

That's not an exhaustive list, but it can be an exhausting one.

The visible parts of ministry - preaching and teaching - have no where near the demands on your heart and soul as do the work with - struggles with and for - people do. Helping people through the trials of life is a great responsibility and challenge.

As I look back over years of ministry, I'd guess that 90% of people who come to me to talk about something they are struggling with actually have already decided what they will do about it and just want to talk and/or to be told that what they are doing is okay.

It's frustrating because I know that God has to be in total charge for them to receive His best not just during the trial but after. And so many only want it to be over. They want to cut and run. So they will tell me they are praying for God to show them what to do when they have already made up their mind, many times ignoring clear instruction from Scripture.

If you cannot get a grip on when the Word tells you - to flat out "do this" or "don't do that", then what do you expect me to do for you?

I cannot twist the universe's laws to fit your predispositions.

I cannot cause anything that has been done already to be removed from memory or consequences.

But if you come to God in repentance and humility, asking Him to cleanse and lead - He will.

Just do it.

/rant off :)

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