
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

To Blog, Or Not To Blog

That's a picture of my wife Bunny and our big friend Henley, the Great Dane. They are standing on Bayshore Drive, which coincidently happens to run along the bay shore. I also have a son here named Sean, an older son names Adam who lives in Byron GA, and we have another dog - a mini schnauzer named Ellie.

Back home in Macon, my father, who's 86, has just finished his last round of chemo and is waiting anxiously on a scan May 8th to tell him how much longer he'll live. My father in law suffered a stroke a few years ago, and walks around with a defibrillator in his chest. It's been going off lately way too often.

Our last day in this house is July 31, and we're busy hunting for somewhere to move to. We'd like to stay here in Valparaiso, but homes are scarce unless you want a dump or a mansion, and tell them you have dogs, and people freak out. Folks say "buy a house, why are you renting?" We can afford, according to Ginnie Mae, $150,000 worth of home, in a market where the average home is $225,000. Oh and because the church has taken just a wee bit longer to get going than we thought, we've had to use credit to stay afloat. And now that we are getting some of that back, the new rent will most likely stop that.

Oh, and our worship leader is almost certainly leaving as well as one of our associate pastors. Replacing either will be a God thing.

So if I don't blog everyday, let me point to the above and say that I have a few other things going on. :)

And I am going to love watching God sort all this out for us. :)



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