Sunday, March 26, 2006

Waaaaaaaaaaay outside the comfort zone

Well, today was something else.

Our worship guy was off candidating for a new gig, his fill-in was sick, so I wound up leading a much abbreviated worship set. Then we went right into the message. During that, our church dog barked so loud everyone woke up. Funny, I was just about to talk about dogs (Mark 7).

Tonight our associate pastor led us through a "stations of the DVD" experience, using an I Worship DVD as the framework for a sort of sermon on worship. It was interesting. Still processing whether it had the effect he was looking for. We had talked about breaking te sermon into pieces (ala RW) and having more interaction.

The interaction was there with scripture readings but I'm not sure the sermon was. It seemed to me like more of a presentation than a message. There were definite high points, and I was moved by some of the songs, but I never really felt like we got into the texts - just flashed on them and moved on.

But we tried some things, and if we failed, we'll know not to do that again.

Life in the fast lane. :)



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